
The nutritional value of sweet potatoes can lose weight “cancer”

potatoes this was the most general folk food now examine the increasing value of, can not only lose weight but also anti-cancer, whether sweet potato which contains what kind of components?

Sweet potato was the most general civil now examine the increasing value, can not only lose weight but also anti-cancer, whether sweet potato, which contains what ingredients?

Sweet potato, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potato, etc., for the annuals of Convolvulaceae, a food and medicine used along with healthy food. The sweet potato contains dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, and C and E and potassium, iron, copper, selenium, calcium and more than 10 kinds of trace elements, high nutritional value, nutritionists have called the most balanced nutrition care food. The beauty of the girls feel the sweet potato is very sweet, afraid to eat more will get fat.

Eat fresh potato will not get fat, on the contrary to be able to lose weight, fitness, to prevent the sub-health, bowel detoxification. Contains only 0.2 grams of fat per 100 grams of fresh sweet potato, resulting in the thermal energy of 99 kcal, probably for the rice 1/3, is a good low-fat, low heat to food, while at the same time effectively prevent the carbohydrates into fat, lose weight , bodybuilding. The sweet potato contains large amounts of dietary fiber, can not be digested and absorbed in the intestine, can stimulate the bowel, enhanced motility, bowel detoxification, especially for the elderly constipation has a good effect.

Special emphasis is that the sweet potato is alkaline food, and a lot of fruits, green vegetables, which is the most rare. Foods in general are acidic, such as grain, poultry meat, while the body’s PH value of 7.34, so eat sweet potato beneficial to the body’s acid-base balance. Eat sweet potatoes can lower blood cholesterol to prevent the sub-health and cardiovascular disease “modern disease”.

